HONEYWELL樓宇自控一級代理 庫存合作伙伴
霍尼韋爾 FCU電動閥





Number of NVs supported

Excel 50: The Excel 50's network interface can contain up to 46 NVs (in addition to the Node
Object's NVs).
The Excel 50 will reject applications having more than 46 NVs. In this case, the
following system alarm will be issued:
Alarm number: 61; alarm text: “Too many Globals”
Excel 500: The Excel 500's network interface can contain up to 512 NVs (in addition to the
Node Object's NVs).
The Excel 500 supports 128 physical data-points (I/Os) and 256 pseudo datapoints.
Every data-point can be mapped to an input NV, or to an output NV, or to
both. The data-points can be mapped to a max. of 512 LONWORKS NVs. A
theoretical max. of 381 physical data-points (I/Os) are supported via NVs.
Excel 800: The Excel 800's network interface can contain up to 512 NVs (in addition to the
Node Object's NVs).
The Excel 800 supports 381 data-points in a random mix of physical and pseudo
data-points. Every data-point can be mapped to an input NV, or to an output NV, or
to both. The data-points can be mapped to a max. of 512 LONWORKS NVs.

Memory Requirements
The memory requirements (in bytes) can be calculated by adding together the
memory requirements attributable to the following individual items:
Default texts (ASPECD, descriptors, alarm texts, engineering units, status texts): The max.
memory allotted to default texts is 21,780 bytes
On-line changes to the time program All annual programs are automatically erased by the controller when they turn more
than one year old. The max. memory allotted to on-line changes to the time
program is 4,096 bytes.
The time program, itself The first switching point requires 12 bytes, and each additional switching point with
the same switching time requires another 6 bytes. A time interval with an exception
day program in the annual program requires 9 bytes. A holiday with an exception
day program in the holiday list requires 2 bytes. A today exception for a point
requires 17 bytes. A day program requires 21 bytes X no. of switching points X 12.
Thus, the total time program requires 35 bytes + (size, in bytes, of all day
programs) + (no. of today exceptions X 17 bytes) + (no. of time intervals with an
exception X 9 bytes) + (no. of holidays with an exception X 2 bytes).
The CARE application program Assuming one time program, five control loops, five switching tables, CARE
(including RAL, RAP, RAT, RAZ) will require 10,000 bytes. Assuming several time
programs, ten control loops, ten switching tables, CARE will require 20,000 bytes.
NOTE: The use of complex ModAL XFMs can further boost that portion of the
memory requirements attributable to the control loops.
Data-points Each data-point requires 67 bytes.
NVs Memory requirements depend upon the number of structural components (n) of
each NV. The max. memory allotted for all NVs is 2,048 bytes. The NV-dependent
memory requirements can be calculated as follows:
(number of NVs) X (3 bytes + (n X 3 bytes))
For example: Given 100 NVs with four structural components per NV:
100 X (3 bytes + (4 X 3 bytes)) = 1500 bytes
Many-to-one (M-T-O) bindings The memory requirements of many-to-one bindings depends upon the number of
NVs and the number of structural components (n) per NV. The max. memory
requirements due to all many-to-one bindings = 12,800 bytes. The actual memory
requirements depend upon whether the NVs are analog or digital, and can be

calculated as follows:
no. of analog NVs X (9 bytes + no. of analog M-T-O X (4 bytes + 4 bytes)) +
no. of digital NVs X (9 bytes + no. of digital M-T-O X (4 bytes + 1 byte)
Example: Given ten analog NVs and five digital NVs, each with 20 M-T-O,
10 X (9 bytes + 20 X (4 bytes + 4 bytes) +
5 X (9 bytes + 20 X (4 bytes + 1 byte) = 1690 + 545 = 2235
The max. memory allotted for all many-to-one bindings is 12,800 bytes.
The remote trend buffer Each trend entry requires 47 bytes. Centrals A, B, and C can each contain a max.
of 100 trend entries. Further, unused application memory (if any) can be allotted to
Central A, thus enabling it to contain more than 100 trend entries. The number of
additional trend entries which central A can contain =
(128 Kbytes – application size in Kbytes) X 1,024 bytes / 47 bytes
Size constraints, Excel 50/500/600 If the memory requirements amount to less than 110 KB, then the size is OK.
If the memory requirements amount to between 110 and 128 KB and the RAL is
greater than 18 KB (in which case RAL will run from the flash memory), then the
size is OK.
If the memory requirements amount to between 110 and 128 KB and the RAL is
less than 18 KB and the rest of the application is less than 110 KB, then the size is
If the memory requirements amount to between 110 and 128 KB and the RAL is
less than 18 KB and the rest of the application is greater than 110 KB, then the
application is too large and must be reduced.
If the memory requirements exceed 128 KB, then the application size must be
reduced (e.g. by lowering the complexity of the application by reducing the number
of or simplifying control loops).
Size constraints, Excel 800 The application without RACL must not exceed 100 KB.
The RACL must not exceed 128 KB.
The application plus RACL must not exceed 192 KB.

Extending the Number of Physical I/Os using NVs
General Typically, one NV will be needed for each physical input and two NVs for each
physical output.
Excel 50 It is possible to extend the number of physical I/Os to more than 22. This is done by
mapping pseudo data-points to one or more of the 46 NVs, and then binding these
NVs to physical I/Os on the LONWORKS network.
This will allow for
46 additional physical inputs, or
23 additional physical outputs, or
a mixture of inputs and outputs.
Excel 500 It is possible to extend the number of physical I/Os to more than 128. This is done
by mapping pseudo data-points to one or more of the 512 NVs, and then binding
these NVs to physical I/Os on the LONWORKS network.
Note that the 256 pseudo-points available must be split between usage for the
application (e.g. set-points or 3rd-party LONWORKS integration) and usage for
additional physical I/Os. Typically, these pseudo-points are split equally between
the two usages.
This will allow for
125 additional physical inputs, or
62 additional physical outputs, or
a mixture of inputs and outputs.
Excel 800 It is possible to have a max. of about 200 physical LONWORKS I/Os. Otherwise, the
same principles regarding extending the number of physical I/Os and splitting